Commitment to the company

The main value of our company are the people who create high quality products.

Sergei Mikhailovich Sakhanovski the company has dedicated 18 years of his career, making an important contribution for its development. In August 2002 he started to work as a puncher, but after two years became the Deputy head of the Department, and in 2005 head of the Department of building structures.

His thoughtful and serious approach to each production operation known in the workplace. Sergei Mikhailovich have in-depth knowledge of the manufacturing equipment of the shop. Knowing all the nuances of the production, Sergei Mikhailovich controls rational load of equipment, economical use of materials and the implementation of production tasks and deadlines. Saganowski great attention gives to questions of improvement of quality of products and production. Your large experience of Sergei Mikhailovich sends to young workers, acting as a mentor.

In the workshop the team Sakhnovski Sergei Mikhailovich deserved respect and authority.

Sergey proudly says about his workshop: "opportunities, we are open to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. We orientirueshsya on customers ' needs and guarantee high quality of our products."

On the eve of the birthday of Sergei Mikhailovich will celebrate on June 22, I want to Express my gratitude for the high professionalism and commitment to the company and wish him good health, peace, prosperity and family happiness.